Winter’s Edge

Winter’s Edge is a continuation of my Microcosm series which focuses on highlighting the small often overlooked aspects of nature. My passion has been to highlight these relatively small things and blow them up on large canvases with a twist, using little s-shaped brushstrokes, thereby creating a multitude of microcosms within the painting highlighting a microcosm. In this way I hope to put a spotlight on our interconnectedness and reliance on nature and each other.

My background is in science, specifically biology. Ecology is the study of how nature works together and how it relies on all the little parts that make up the large amazing machine that is nature. As a child and even as an adult I have been battling the feeling of despair when I think about Climate Change. Sometimes it all seems so hopeless, but then I realize that there are people, passionate people out there who are already doing the work and I am no different. I too can raise awareness and drive passion for the preservation of our environment. These paintings are designed to do just that. Enjoy!

Acrylic on Canvas

Original: 24" x 30"